Friday, 6 March 2015

90's Floral Dungaree Dress

Hi all,

It's been a while!! I have been out with a virus and tonsillitis, but I am back (almost) ha ha. 

I have a favourite denim dungaree dress, it was a super bargain from a high street store last year and ever since we have been inseparable!! 

It is a dream to pair with thick tights and long sleeve stripey sailor tops and brogues, my favourite. 

My RTW version is a very soft drapey denim, which falls beautifully. I have had so much wear out of it over the winter season, I decided it was time to crack out the pattern paper and get drafting a pattern for it.

I have issues with doing this, tracing a pattern from a RTW garment, it doesn't feel right, as I normally draft my own from scratch, but I NEEDED this to be the same as my Denim Dungaree dress I love so much, ha ha. 

I decided to use a stretch floral twill for my toile, in hindsight the stetch element turned out not to be in my favour so much. All in all it became a wearable garment and I learnt a few tips for the next one!!! 

I bought this fabric to make myself a pair of floral trousers from, I was happy to have found a floral print I liked with some stretch in it, perfect. I did however think this fabric was black, (naughty shop lighting!) and only realised when I got home it was a very dark brown (although my family have done their best to convince me it is black....) 

One thing I love about this dress is the button fastenings on the straps, so fun! 

This toile also gave me the oppertunity to practice my top stitching, I have a twin needle ( I am just too lazy to get it out, there I said it!) I think it went ok, aside a few wobbles due to my machine not liking the thickness of the fabric and it stretching slightly, I think it isn't too bad. 

The dress has three buttons down the side, intended to be there to help you get it on and off, but the dress just pulls over my head so I could eliminate them if I felt I wanted to.  On the original they are lovely denim metal buttons, but I opted for yellow this time round. 

And finally here we have it, me with my awkward posing again, this time on the stairs, in the hope those lovely stairs will distract you slightly.......

I am happy with the overall fit, I did have some problems with the fabric stretching around the armholes and neckline due to the stretch in the fabric plus the cross grain, but the future versions will not be in stretch fabric and I am hopeful a quick stay stitch will rectify that. 

I am not sure this was the wisest choice of fabric for a larger lady like myself, but I will go with it for now.... Plus I have a lovely navy twill version ready and awaiting to be sewn up, so hopefully that will be a winner!

P.s. I was once told I looked like a childrens T.V. Presenter in an brightly coloured outfit I had on, and I once again feel like I am channelling that vibe...... (All those bright colours just are not me...where is the grey!!!!!! ) Haha 

Thanks for stopping by,

I would love to hear any comments you have, or if you know of any awesome denim suppliers you would like to share, don't hesitate to get in touch! 


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